Paola Pequerul, a proactive and global vision of Design Engineering

Industrial Design and Product Development Engineer, with a Master’s Degree in Industrial Design Engineering from the University of Zaragoza and training in web design and Lean Start-Up methodology, Paola Pequerul works as a Design Engineer in the Strategic Design Department of Infinitia.

Her role is focused on performing functions focused on the strategic design of products that allow to analyze the market, understand the consumer, identify needs and validate the potential of ideas. As a result, and as a challenge of his work, he highlights the search for new market niches and the identification of user problems, so that, as a recent milestone, he has managed, thanks to the current aspirational products, to bring out new lines of research for the creation of accessories that facilitate the user experience.

As he explains, for the development of any product it is necessary to take into account the different engineering that will be part of the process, as they will be the key pillars to reach a successful result. For this reason, taking into account the importance of maintaining a global perspective, Infinitia offers services that promote market, consumer, design and product development, as well as its fundamental base, Forensic Engineering.

Proactive and curious, as she defines herself, before starting her professional career she wanted to live an international experience for a year in Sweden, which allowed her to experience another culture. In addition, her constant restlessness has allowed her to remain interested in innovation programs since the beginning of her career, where the participation and awards in the VIII National Competition of Packaging, Packaging and Sustainability, Demola Open Innovation program of Campus Iberus and Spinup program with the University of Zaragoza stand out.